Lady_HinotoThx for your lonely comments !!
@Wild Cat: The yellow is because of the romantic evening sunshine. ^^17 years ago
Wild CatThat was you, ohaaa *_____* Seems to be a little to yellow, but I like the colors on this pic, very nice *_______*17 years ago
Mi-chan4You're so great Honey! Please upload some close ups because you look so awesome!!17 years ago
YossiI love all the detail and this fabric *.*
Beautiful setting, as well.17 years ago
SaltySlippersoh my god it is amazing. :-:17 years ago
TennyochanAmazing job! The costume looks so beautiful and perfect.17 years ago
Miladygreat job ! I recognized at the first glance !17 years ago
KirschliYeaaaaaaaaaah! Sister!!!!!!!!!!!! *_______________*
I looooooooooooooove your GREAT Atremis! You are a real godess my love!
Great job you did on her...and i know how hard it was!
You are the BEST Artemis i know! Best in the World...and we will make great Photos together when my aphrodite will be ready!
I love you sister!
Your Kirschli17 years ago