Nandra's image
Nandra Here we are - evidence that I have been working!

Well... that's not true. School meant I had to take a three month break. But I -was- working, and I am now. ^^

Anyway, progress pics. Just need to paint 'em gold, cast the jewels out of resin, and assemble them.
  • Earthychan Well... those are freaken amazing! I cant wait to make Zelda's costume! ^-^ 14 years ago
  • Nandra Thanks! ^^ And nah, these are actually out of a kind of sculpey-substitute called Paperclay. I'd definitely recommend it, it's a really nice material! 14 years ago
  • Earthychan Wow... do you make those out of craft foam as well? 14 years ago
  • YueYing it looks really good for the beginning. 14 years ago