dandlit's image
  • Elirna C'est juste : *o* whaaaa Le costumes est magnifique et les ailes sont vraiment impressionantes ! 12 years ago
  • FinalEVA This is really awesome costume and photo. I'm planning on doing Dart dragoon one of these days. Out of curiosity, how did you attach the wings to the armor? 12 years ago
  • MysteriousMaemi I was soo happy at JapEx when they announced you. I was like "yes finally someone who does this cosplay"! Congratulations because it looks great! :D 12 years ago
  • minakocat omgosh, I have always wanted to do this costume! AWESOME job :) 12 years ago
  • princemercury1 Oh, wow! That looks amazing. ^^ 12 years ago