aznbassplayer's image
from costume Squall Leonhart
aznbassplayer There are a lot of things I have learned after wearing this cosplay ._.; Here's one of em: hot glue does not stick with certain materials in extremely hot heat. The next time I ever wear this cosplay again it's gonna be made with more durable stuff >>;

pic credits to asianschoolboy
  • Yazmine nice! : D 16 years ago
  • Rikku-chan Hot glue DOES tend to fail a lot!! VERRRY annoying!! but you look incredible! I ADORE all your belts!! ^^ 16 years ago
  • Random Karen SQUALL!!! You look great! I really love your belts and buckles. So sad I missed seeing this. (and yes, I've experienced the hot glue failure myself. Totally sucks) 16 years ago