Miragestudio's image
from costume Gundam 00 Raiser
Miragestudio Version 1.3 of my 00 Raiser costume...
1) Imprinted the "00 RAISER" lights into the forehead
2) Brighten the colour of 0 raiser unit windscreen
3) Tilted angle of 0 Raiser unit on backpack
4) Made the support structure (backpack) for the GN drives...
5) modified and made the jo...ints arm joints more 3D
6) Made cylindrical joints for the hips
7) Lengthen the hips
8) Created 2 beam saber handle in the butt
9) Increased the internal strap to human body support
10) Reinforced structure of the LED light circuits
11) Modified the foot joints to look more 3D
12) Made the GN Drives independent of the wings (I can switch modes between Gundam 00 and 00-raiser)
13) Did some lining details to every part
14)...and other modifications which I forgot......

This time, I like this version (1.3) better than the AFA version (1.0)
Tried some mobility test... have not yet push it to the limit but it almost seems that I can actually run slowly in the costume...
  • vegeeta Holy great. A masterpiece job. 12 years ago