Chii Motosuwa's image
Chii Motosuwa This is an older picture, but I'm lazy and not working when I should be. These are my Cain wings with more done on them, yet still far from completion. They top right needs to be done, and the flats need to be added to the tops of all of them.

They don't look too big, but they actually have about a 3' span. Then again, that's about how big they are in the art - I'd actually intended to make them smaller than that, but they grew. XD It's not like Cain could fly without them falling off from exertion anyway.
  • Glay Oh my god O_O those look so perfect you could fly away on them for real. I can't WAIT to see these in person *will stalk you at AN* ♥ 17 years ago
  • KittyLee Wow! great job! they look amazing. 17 years ago
  • IchiHaneTenshi Awesome work! :3 I really love how they look! 17 years ago
  • Kano-sempai I already squealed over them earlier, but damn your wings look amazing. <3 I can't wait to see them when they're finished. 17 years ago