Pic from Uchihacest69's gallery from Ohayocon 6
A great pic of me carrying OphanimGunner's Kadaj.
PapricABoth of you look so damn cute xDDD Great costumes ^.^b18 years ago
Selphie2008Yay it's Jan and of course the wonderful AC Cloud. I think I hugged you a good fifty times.....18 years ago
melaniechannI love both costumes and.... you guys look like you just walked out of the movie o.o
hahahehe.. I love this picture. Its fabulous~!18 years ago
Eccaiaoh wow, that's awesome *laugh* n.n I can see that now...
Kadaj: Ya know...ya ain't too bad lookin' Cloud...
Cloud: ....That's it, I am officially banning you from any and all forms of Alcohol.
Kadaj: aww maaan.....
*giggle* n.n18 years ago
Gabriellaaww! so cute XDD i like the pic18 years ago
mokulen22nice picture...great job on the cosplays18 years ago
Albel-Noxthe pic looks funny. cloud looks like: "man all time the same, kaday drink to much and i must carry him home"
nice job on the costumes ^o^18 years ago