Jia Jem's image
from costume Yuri
Jia Jem I believe this is the second time I've worn fake nails for a costume, and the first time at a con. (The first was for a photoshoot.) Sometimes I paint my nails for conventions, but only if I can find a color that will match all my cosplays. I think every portrait LJinto took of me in this costume I really, REALLY tried to show of those damn nails because they were annoying. Now I'm obsessed with looking at cosplayer's hands and seeing who else wears nails. >__>

Costume by GSTQ, gun by me; photo by LJinto
  • HelaGood WOW!!!! 13 years ago
  • lunaladyoflight I wore them with Ryoko! You look so awesome in this. 13 years ago
  • Jersey Truly stunning! I love your expression and you look fabulous with blue hair! 13 years ago
  • negativedreamer such beautiful work! 13 years ago
  • Patastrophic Pretty lady with a gun? I'm interested. Fake nails? SOLD! 13 years ago
  • crescentmooncom MY GOD! INCREDIBLE! Nails too! LOL! Thanks for posting! 13 years ago