Princess_Zelda's image
from costume Deedlit (Sacrifice)
Princess_Zelda Alrighty, so here's Deedlit in the sacrifice garments. It's probably one of my easiest cosplays I have ever made...seriously. Not to mention, the CHEAPEST! The most expensive thing I'm wearing besides the wig is probably the round metal pieces on the belt. The cheapest part of the costume was definetely the necklace. I made that necklace out of straws...that's right cut up, glued to fabric, painted over straws! ^_^ So yeah, that cost me like $1, which makes me a super happy camper ;) hehe!

Anyway, this was taken at Fanime this year on the very last day, ironically the windiest day of the con! >_<

Photo by Eurobeatking

Costume by me! ^_^
  • Angeal You are a perfect Deedlit Deedlit 15 years ago
  • Pepperspring oooooh, pretty 15 years ago
  • YagamiRaito Gorgeous~ ! And major kudos for doing Lodoss! :D 16 years ago
  • negativedreamer wow... you look awesome here... 16 years ago
  • YuriKo VIII Fantastic! You are a perfect Deedlit ^____^ 17 years ago
  • Spirited Cetra Dang, I left right before the last day, UGH. you do an amazing deedlit! I hope you have a regular Deedlit on the way, that would be an interesting one to see as well, i think you could pull it off :D 17 years ago
  • Fire Lily Wonderful costume, just wonderful! 17 years ago
  • YagamiRaito This is gorgeous! Wonderful work. :] 17 years ago
  • Ohtori Kagura Kyaa! I love it! :3 You are always amazingness, Jackie! ^.^ 17 years ago
  • Crystalike oh, hahaha, so I wasn't the only one who thought the last day was windy? XD 17 years ago
  • SeishinKibou You look gorgeous~ ^o^ 17 years ago
  • Elsch That's so pretty!!! *_* 17 years ago
  • -Naraku- sexy and wonderfull in one *o* 17 years ago
  • PinkApple I am totally in love with your Deedlit, Jackiiieee :D I can't wait to cosplay together!!haha~ 17 years ago
  • Laurihime that is GORGEOUS. OMG. i have never seen anyone make that outfit, and it's so pretty! you make a fantastic Deedlit, and the whole thing looks phenomenal!!! 17 years ago
  • Sushi Monster Finally uploaded a Deedlit pic, Jackie? It's awesome 17 years ago
  • Solaria Very lovely! I must say, you're quite adept at capturing the ethereal elf look. 17 years ago
  • Chiko how pretty ^^ 17 years ago
  • Admiral_Cecil I must say you are one hawt Deedlit with a kawaii facey ^^" 17 years ago
  • Catzilerella Beautiful~ Great shot! ♥ 17 years ago