lilaznfreak as Sakura-hime


Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

Clow Country

Cosplayer: lilaznfreak
This costume was and is one of my favourite costumes up to date. It is super comfortable and is one of the most sturdy costumes I have made. I can legit run and jump and do a lot of crazy stunts in this without worrying too much about damaging the costume (:

Shirt was made without a pattern and the sleeves were redone several times to get the right shape and seamless look to it. Black border was a black sateen sewen onto the shirt with gold trim. Gold and black details were added on and handstitched onto the fron of the shirt.

Pants were made using a basic pant pattern then modified to be like aladdin pants (Aladdin FTW).

Skirt was a sperate piece. This was the killer part of the costume. I used a hand drafted pattern which took several tries to get it right. At first I was going to put a light pink lining underneath the white to give it a slight pink tint to it (since in the pictures it appeared to be that way..maybe I was going crazy at that point). HOWEVER it was made and was super heavy after attaching it to it....which was super bad since there was only an elastic holding it up at that point. So back to the drawing board I went and remade it. I was scraping for fabric because I wanted to make her scarf as well (didnt happen in the end..oh well) Design was handsewn onto the skirt and then reinforced with fabirc glue in some points.

Shoes- I used a hand drafted pattern for the shoe which just followed the basic shape of her shoe shape. Then sewed it and stuffed the shoe to give it the right shape and all. Shoe was then sewen onto the base shoe.

Headband was made using a base headband coverd in fabric.

All coins were cut from foam and then painted MULTIPLE TIMES (holy crap T_T), ringed, then glossed like mad. After that I had to hand sew each and every coin on to the dress. That part screwed me over. LUCKILY my mum helped me out with that.THANK YOUU <33

Jewels were made from resin WHICH took multiple tries to get the right color. Foil was attached to the backing of it and then fabric glued down to the surface that had jewels. I don't remember but I made ALOT of them. Crazy times. But it was fun doing resin all by myself for once ( : Some of the jewels on the shoe were made from the stone syou use for decoration which I just ened up painting and glossing.

Anklet was made from clay and wire, and bracelets were purchased from claires I think. Neckalce was made by me as well

Feather were all hand painted. fun fun fun..../facepalm/

If you guys have any questions whatsoever please pm me and I'll be more than willing to give some advice on how to make it (:
