iheartmcabby as Raven


Teen Titans

Cosplayer: iheartmcabby
This has been my dream costume for ever. Long before I knew what cosplay was, I wanted a Raven costume. I decided I was finally able to do it and did a fair amount of brainstorming to achieve the look I wanted. I wanted to avoid a mismatch between the grey paint and grey tights (a cosplay pet peeve of mine) and make the belt look like legit jewels. I bought the leotard and tights, and scoured the internet for the best looking pair of blue boots I could get (there was a better one, but it was completely unavailable in my size). I watched a quick Youtube tutorial and then made the hooded cape easily myself. I made the bracelets out of the same material. Lastly, I crafted and painted foam disks with safety pins on the back to be the settings for the large faceted gems I found on etsy. By putting the safety pins through several links on a simple gold chain, I avoided the gems bunching up, flipping around, or rotating. The gems on my hands have velcro. Overall, this has been one of the most awesome costumes to wear. It feels absolutely amazing to become the character I have loved for well over a decade. I got a great reaction from kids and everyone at ECCC, and I will definitely wear this costume again. I have never been as reluctant to take off a costume and return to normal as when I wore this costume.