shirt and pants: already had.
wig: brought from ebay i forgot the store name >.<
bandages: walmart I think.
tail: Joanns. Gonna redo the tail and maybe make it with something esle then a boa.
Ears: thick felt paper and soft felt paper with fluff inside. I didn't like the way I made my ears after trying them out. They kept coming off and bobby hair pins didn't want to stick with my wig. I decided to make some new ones with something different or so. Oh and also get hair clips too.
This was my first time crossplaying so I never bind before. I looked up on stuff about binding and followed it. The forum I followed work well and helped me alot. So this would help me in the future about binding.
This cosplay was fun to do. I wouldn't mind cosplaying this cosplay again but maybe do a little changes from here to there as well.