Mehdia as Rogue



Original Punk Rock Corset Design

Cosplayer: Mehdia
I had an idea a while back to make a corset based on Rogue's costume from the 90s because that's always been my favorite of hers. When I found out about the one day convention Memphis Comic Expo, I decided to make that idea a reality. I made the corset out of cotton fabrics, edged the top in yellow bias, and put gold grommets down the back. The jacket was made from leftover vinyl from a commission I did in the past. I bought the patches on the jacket.

When I started looking for a wig, I couldn't find anything in a longer style that suited Rogue, and I didn't want to, nor did I have time to, dye one properly. I came across the cool, choppy, short wig and thought it felt like a style Rogue would go with.

I couldn't find boots I liked in yellow that wouldn't cost me a fortune, so I substituted them for my brown boots from my Juvia costume. I put them with skinny jeans and a yellow tank top underneath the corset. Sadly my gloves didn't arrive in time, so I was a gloveless Rogue.

All in all it was a fun outfit to wear and I hope to wear it more in the future.