Cassidy as Princess Sakura

Princess Sakura

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

Cosplayer: Cassidy
The Tiara
I’ve modeled the flowers blossoms with cooking dough – there are 14 flowers with 5 blossoms on each, thats 70 blossom at all. After this I painted them with acryl paint, and glittered them with Swarovski crystals and mid-sized narrow pearls. I sticked the blossoms to a five point star plastic foil, so they became flowers by the end. I used satin for the hanging red ornaments. I’ve tried with several approaches mainly based on knitting, but this didn’t work out – sometimes they were beautiful but weak, sometime very strong but they looked really ugly. So I decided to cut the stripe the smaller pieces and tied them up to two long stripes given special care to the simmetry.
The bows on the sides was made with a lighter and satin – I melted them to drop-shaped, then glued them together with the satin. To make it nice and tidy, I rolled up the rest of the cords
The flowers on the red cords are assembled from 4 small flowers (formed them with cooking dough too) and I painted them with acryl paint and decorated them with Swarovksi crystals and pearls.
The ornaments on the bottom was made from glass-tekla pearls painted with gold and hand-made bells – the shape of these bells are very special int he series, so I had to make them manually to give back the original mood to the audiance.
The Bells
I made 3 different shapes from modeling dough – bigger ones for the belt, the mid-sized for the jacket, the small ones for the tiara. Then I made a positive and negative gypsum modeling shape. I’ve tried with plastic foils by the first time, but I found the decorative rubber much more practical and massive, and much easier to handle. I made 27 big, 50 mid-sized, and 6 small bells, so that’s 166 half shapes at all. I painted all of them with golden acryl and decoreted them with black motives to illustrate the holes.
The Costume
I used 20 metres or even more tulle as basis, and tailored them to make the final look more princessy. The layer on the bottom which can be seen was made from a soft flowing pink textile – its a long skirt with a little floattail. The big white skirt is a huge elliptic shape ( 2 x 3 m) so its flow is very beautiful, and when I sit down it floats away all around in a very big area – this is my favorite part. I made a lace – took the patterns form the interwebs – and shifted them to my own taste. This was made out from the same textile as the skirt was but I’ve gave it some rigidity with vetex. After this I decorated it with golden stripes so it looks more organic with the other parts.
The jacket is based on silk damask and it has two layers. On the inner side I needled pink triangles with the golden bells, then I assembled the golden decoration with the outer side – with tailoring them together. I needled the same kind of „golden worms” to the claret decoration stripe (a mixture of textile and acryl paint). I found this very important, because the ornaments and decorations ont he custome are clearly puffy. So it was not too easy, but looks much more credible ^__^.
The jacket’s back can’t bee seen ont he art, but I wanted to make more organic the front with the back, so I made a Sakure flower to the belt and to lower sleeves.
The Flowers
All was based on lining silk stiffened with vetex – so the color harmony remained intact between the jacket’s lining the flowers and the tiara. I drawed the embriodery motives and – as you can see it on the tiara too – then I needled thousand of mid-sized pearls on them. I don’t know how many hours I’ve really spent with them, but it took many many days and 200 gramms of pearls. I had to make this part like this because I think it makes much more harmony to the costume’s other parts like the tiara, the sphere and the patterns of the clothes. The pucks int he middle were made out of decor foil and decorative rubber – the same color as the golden ledges. I really hope there will be much sunshine because they look very eye-catching in light.
The Sphere
I used a mid-sized beach ball which I covered with papier mache. Fort he first run I tried to cut out the shape from the mache and covered it with cooking dough, but I had to hold it in the oven with my hands very close to it and it was deforming even then, so I figured out something else. The second versiond is is made out of papier mache too but I’ve covered it with decorative rubber. I made this sphere much more thicker so it was not too easy to cut it out. I burnished the shape and covered it with acryl and glittered it with mica. I also decorated it with Sakure flowers to make it more part of the entire thing.
The lower tied ornament was made out of a little polifoam ring and I rolled it up with 15 metres of satin band. I also made the loops out of smaller pieces. I connected this with a golden painted ring and a small piece of golden decor foil.
The Stick
Its the only thing that is still under development. Its based on a wooden and I put two beer cartons on it as a foundation. I’ve made up some sketches in Photoshop with many layers, I’ve resized them to the appropiate size and cutted out the shapes. The wing motives were made out of fibrostyl plates, are polished and are painted with acryl paint. The foundation got its final color by decor foil.

She was made out of fybrostil too. The crystal on her forehead was made with using a glass pearl. For the earrings I used golden patent leather – the same as on the costume - and effect pearls and painted them with acryl paint by the end. It was a rough decision to make about the size because the carton is very small but in the series it is very huge, so I choosed the middle ground. It got its color by acryl paint too.

I didn’t had much time and according to my heart I’d love to spend a fortune to make it more spicy, but I hope everyone will like it very much – so It will be a very pleasant ending for the summer of room confiment.