Getsun as Hungary


Hetalia: Axis Powers

Austrian Succession

Cosplayer: Getsun
Two of the fabrics I'd chosen were nightmares to work with (the gold and green). I survived, though I cussed the whole time and my mother stepped in to help me out.

The jacket is a simple one, made interesting through numerous details. For one, the sleeves are supposed to be poofy. However, I did not use enough fabric for it to show, my mistake. The green front part is buttoned in place.
The trousers are simple, but made in the same green fabric as used on the jacket and the hat.
The base for the hat is a cardboard shape that I taped together. After that I glued the fabric on.

I put together a War of Austrian Succession group~ Though I hardly did anything to put it together other than mentioning to all Hetalia-cosplayers I knew that I really wanted a group for this. I want to take pictures with them soon :)