Geb_Geb as Garnet til Alexandros xvii

Garnet til Alexandros xvii

Final Fantasy IX

Yellow Jumpsuit

Cosplayer: Geb_Geb
Garnet always been the character I identify myself the most in videogames. We're really alike even in personnality, it was my dream to cosplay her (actually my first cosplay was her princess gown, but I need to redo that one lol). I always push back my project to do her yellow suit but this year was the year! I draft the one seam bodysuit myself and it's made of yellow moleskin. The blouse pattern is also draft by myself, all the buckles are made of craft foam, the gloves are made out of red suede (as well as the boot covers that are handstitches in white). The white belt are made of fake leather and are hand stitches. I use a big round swarovski crystal for the pendant and made the top out of styrofoam ball and craft foam.

Except the gloves and boots that were made since a month....I made the whole thing in 3 days O.o that was totally crazy XD

I'm very happy people like my Garnet cosplay that much because that character mean a lot to me I'm happy I did her justice

Thanks to the amazing Jack Liu for the beautiful pictures